Monday, November 25, 2013

Treasure Island, Chapters Twenty-Seven to Twenty-Nine

In which Jim returns to the stockade only to find it occupied by the pirates, who summarily try to depose Long John, who manages to sweet-talk/threaten them into changing their minds, while letting Jim know privately that the jig is up, and in which our narrator might have lost some of his upper register, hopefully to be regained soon.

As usual, here are the notes from the 1908 edition. Really, I feel that some, like "avast" and "batten down your hatches" could be figured out from context, but then again, our culture has had a further century since then to absorb "pirate talk." There might be other things I could probably note, but I'm not feeling so great so y'all can figure things out on your own.

I will, however, share the illustration that comes along with this installment, of the mutinous mutineers ( heard me) preparing Long John's Black Spot from Dick's Bible:

25:00 - "About half-way down the slope to the stockade, they were collected in a group."

Oh, and maybe I should really prepare myself better for when I come across sentences like "In that position I could easily have my way with him," because HAHAHAAAAA!

If you would like to read along, the text can be found at Project Gutenberg. No reading ahead, though!

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