In which the twins will be staying with Anne and Marilla for a little longer, to no one's surprise, a theological discussion is had, and a potential disaster for the Improvement Society is averted by political corruption; and in which the narrator just sort of gives up on keeping all the very minor characters' voices straight.
Welcome back! I hope everyone had a good holiday season. We're diving back into Avonlea with the drama of aesthetically displeasing advertisements. No notes this time around, so we'll just have this installment's cover, from Aladdin Classics in 2005:
This has what appears to be an actual vintage photograph, which works fine as it's at least roughly the right time period and age to be Anne. I am curious, though, as to what exactly is going on with her left hand there. Is it just me, or is that handbag rather blatantly photoshopped in? Why is her hand in such an awkward position? Is that photoshopped too? Why would they do either of those things? Why is the bag flying up like that? Is she supposed to have just moved her forearm up very quickly for some reason that the rest of her body is unaware of? Is it just about to whap her in the face? I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT'S HAPPENING.
If you would like to read along, the text can be found at Project Gutenberg. No reading ahead, though!