Monday, June 9, 2014

Sense and Sensibility, Volume the Third, Chapter One

In which the secret engagement of Edward Ferrars and Lucy Steele is revealed to the great consternation of his mother and sister, we see that Mrs. Jennings may be a ridiculous old busybody but she is still a good sort, and Elinor can now finally come clean to Marianne about her feeeeelings, mainly about how she has them.

All right, we've entered the final third of the novel now, and all secret engagements have now been revealed! OR HAVE THEY? They probably have. Only a single chapter, but three illustrations to go with it, and one note: round abouts 2:50, Mrs. Jennings declares that her new grandchild has "the red gum," which a footnote in my edition of the book helpfully explains means "teething rash," a fact that I share in the recording before digressing into wondering how teething would cause pimples, and ending in a Btterfly McQueen impression for some reason. Well, as it turns out I was right to doubt my baby-knowledge, as teething rash is indeed a skin rash caused by skin irritation from excessive drooling due to teething. And now you know!

3:04 - In a whisper.

16:15 - "You have heard, I suppose."

22:24 - Talking over the business.

If you would like to read along, the text can be found at Project Gutenberg, and high-res copies of the Thompson illustrations can be found in the British Library's Flickr stream. No reading ahead, though!

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